Reciprocal Visitors to POYC

POYC offers moorage for visitors from yacht clubs that have reciprocal privileges. CLICK HERE to get more information on slips available and the procedures and rules governing their use.

For POYC Members visiting other yacht clubs

POYC members have reciprocal privileges at many other yacht clubs in the US and Canada. This includes moorage and the use of other club’s facilities, depending on what is available. For instance, you may be able to use another club’s restaurant, whether you are moored there or not.  In order to use these reciprocal privileges, you need to fly the POYC burgee for moorage and show your POYC membership card for use of the other facilities.

To find out which clubs offer reciprocal privileges, and the details on their location and use, consult the Yacht Destinations guide for POYC by CLICKING HERE.

When using your reciprocal privileges, you must comply with the other club’s rules, and you must put POYC’s best foot forward by behaving in a manner that will not bring disrepute on POYC.

Moorage at POYC for non-moored members

If you are a non-moored POYC member and wish to bring your boat to the club for a few days, you can do this under our Guest Moorage Program. For applicable rules and procedures CLICK HERE. POYC members are not permitted to use a Reciprocal Slip unless specifically authorized by the Commodore. Violation of this rule can result in a $100 per day unauthorized moorage charge